Friday, 4 May 2012

What's coming up... :)

Hey guys, sorry for the delay in posts but i havent been too well so havent been up to post but seen as it's m.e awareness week next week i'll be making up for it by posting a few times next week. :) I plan to do a day in the life of someone with m.e, an interview with someone who has m.e and a friend of someone with m.e. :) Hopefully this will raise some awareness and explain a little more to anyone who isnt really sure what m.e is. :)

M.E. is a chronic, fluctuating illness affecting 250,000 people in the UK. It may be diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS). M.E symptoms may include persistent exhaustion, muscle and/or joint pain, sleep disturbance, feeling ’flu-like and having problems with memory and concentration. Symptoms may include persistent exhaustion (‘fatigue’), muscle and/or joint pain, sleep disturbance, ’flu-like symptoms such as headache, sore throat, painful lymph nodes, dizziness and/or nausea and problems with memory and concentration.
M.E. affects people in different ways and to differing degrees. It’s a very variable
illness and your symptoms can change over time. It’s important to find out more about the range of symptoms experienced by different people with M.E. - This is a copy and pasted text on what m.e is and just a few of it's many and varied symptons. M.e is just thought of as a bit of tiredness but to somebody who's living with m.e it's so much more than that. It changes your life and those who are around you. So hopefully in my next few posts it'll become apparent what m.e really is and how it affects thousands of people's everyday lives.

To raise a bit of awareness would be amazing, i have also done an interview with the gazette in my experience with m.e which should be in the gazette on tuesday the 8th on the front cover of eve supplment. :) I am currently making ribbons after i had some laying around for a photography concept i was doing for next week. I've created a fb page and i would really appreciate people taking a look, it's for a really great cause. All the proceeds will go to action for m.e - an m.e charity that supports many people who have m.e and their families. :) -

Also my auntie's friend, Bernie who's teaching me more about jewellery came yesterday and we finished the necklace i started to make when i went round last time and she showed me how to make a brooch which i'm quite pleased with for a first attempt. :)
From yesterday's jewellery making sess

So that's all for now, you'll be hearing from me soon.
So keep a look out. ;)

Lots of love,

Photo of the week;

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