I thought i would do a little blog update om what's been going on recently and seen as it's just been easter and look at what it means for my family! :)
So i know the religious reason for easter although i did learn something new this year... the reason we have easter eggs is because the rock that guarded the tomb where Jesus was buried was egg shaped! :O It just goes to show that there's always new things to be learnt. ;) I'm not really sure where i stand on the religious side of things, ironically i used to have a stronger belief in God when i was younger. I guess it's not all that ironic you don't really think about it, it's kinda automatically set upon you and you just take it in. But as you get older you stop to really question everything and what you believe. I don't know if i believe in that there's someone up there that created the whole world and so everything was just there, that we were just there. Evolution is probably the most logical solution but whether it's the right one i really don't know. I don't think i'll ever be a go to church every sunday but i'm always open to suggestions with religion. And i reckon as i grow older i'll learn more new things and continue to make my own choices based on that. :)
I guess when things happen to a good people, you wonder how can this be?! How can their be a plan for this, it just seems cruelty especially when there are so many bad people in the world who don't seem to get their couupance. I think this is the main reason i started to folter from the traditional Christian faith. But on the other side, life is what you make it and you certainly are tested on how strong you are. Some people grow from the terrible experiences they face and sometimes i guess it can be purely bad luck. I just wonder if there is a God who created the whole world in his hands, isn't he gonna be the person that decides people fate rather than chance? Whatever the truth i hope there is something after this world, and it's not just a black nothing. I hope there is an afterlife where you are reunited with all your loved ones. because i do believe that my loved ones that have died are watching over me everyday. Naive as that may be, it's something i have always believed and hope i always do!
Anyway enough of the religious talk! ;) Let's talk about my easter...
Happy Easter!!! |
Love this!!! <3
Me and Hanna went for a hot chocolate and sit in lowther gardens near by which was so lovely! It was rather windy, we wished we brought Hanna's kite, oh well always next time. ;)
Me, nan and Han. |
Me and Hans with our goodies!! |
My Easter gifts, still some more easter eggs in the the cupboard! :O |
Easter sunday was nice, i got zoomed about in my wheelchair for the egg hunt. ;) Followed by a playdoh challenge; which i won. ;) We still had a prize to distribute not just crazy big kids. ;) Although i think your never too old to play with playdoh, my nan even joined in. ;) Not forgetting a bit of hangman and eye spy, mad cats we are. ;) Of course i know roast dinner too. :)
The Playdoh challenge. ;) |
Afternoon tea with the parents which was nice even though it wiped me out for a while. :P
:) Nom! Obviously shared. And still some left for the next day. :P |
Mum strangling dad in the old police cells in the tearooms! |
Hehehe, naughty Becca. ;) |
And finally received the best surprise ever, when i found out i was going to be seeing sarwahh!! We met up at a pub/ premier inn in Wigan for a bit. :) Wish i could of seen her more but was so great to meet her and have a good giggle. Hehehe. :) Ended up chucking jelly beans at her glasses instead of her mouth = no aim or coordination what so ever. :P
<3! |
Feeding each other jelly beans! ;)
Hope you all had a lovely Easter in whatever you were doing!
Taken a bit of a blip since then well for a while really :P but anyhow could be worse. :) Gotta keep plodding along! ;)
Keep smiling and love the ones around you who love you too. <3
Bye for now,love Beccaxox
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