Thursday, 10 May 2012

Interview with M.E sufferer Sophie Lees for awareness week. :)

Hey guys, :) 
The beaut Sophie Lees
herself. :)
Part of M.E awareness week i've decided to do a few blog posts to give you an insight into everyday life for someone with M.E. So today's post is an interview with my best friend, Sophie Lees who also has M.E. We met through AYME, (Association of young people with M.E/CFS) just over a year ago and i have to tell you she is an inspiration to me everyday and always keeps me going no matter what.I don't know where i'd be without her. :) So whilst i'm here i'd like to say thankyou to her for that. <3 She's had lots of ups and downs but stayed super strong through it all. Currently she was doing really well through alot of determination, techniques, support and time. Unfortunately silly sinusitis is infectionis making her rather poorly at the moment but she will kick it's butt soon enough just like she does everyday with the M.E. YOU CAN DO IT SOPH :D So read the interview to hear more about the beautiful Sophie Lee's everyday life and experiences with M.E... 

How does M.E affect you everyday? 
It affects me quite a lot, I can do normal tasks but have to keep them quite short and have to have lots of rests and a sleep every day.

What everyday tasks does it stop u doing? 
Erm I can't wash my own hair, or make meals things like that.

If you could sum m.e in one word what would it be?
'extremetirednesspainannoyinghorribletiredtiredtireddebilitatingscarytired' that counts as one word right? ;)

What have you lost because of the M.E? 
I lost the life that I knew, all my independence, a lot of my friends, going to school and my health! 

And is it better or worse to be an invisible illness? 
I think its worse because people don't see you as ill. 

What is greatest achievement since the M.E?
Getting and A in my english exam I took when I was really poorly. 

When have you been at ur best during the illness? 
Probably two and a half years ago when I didn't have M.E very badly and it was manageable and I could still lead a normal life!

What's been the hardest part of the illness for you / to cope with since it started? 
Loosing friends, because they don't understand the illness or what I can and can't do. And there lives are so busy I just kind of get lost and forgotten about!

When you were at ur worst - how did that affect you and what did it stop u from being able to do? 
It stopped me from doing everything, couldn't walk couldn't really go out for any amounts of time and just stayed at home! 

Has the illness changed you and if so how?
It's made me a stronger person and made me appreiciate the little things in life, and not take things for granted. 

What else has lead from the M.E? E.g illnesses.
Anxiety, ibs, bladder problmes, kidney infections, sinusitis, general infections!  

Did it take you a long time to get a diagnosis? 
No I got diagnosed straight away!

And what's helped u to cope physically and mentally during the illness? E.g techniques, treatments and support!
My physio has been a major part, CBT, doing pacing, without it I wouldn't be where I am today! And of course all my family and friends support!

Have u ever had any bad experiences with health professionals?  
I haven't had any bad experiences with health professionals- very lucky!!

Was the support u received like the CBT and pacing and Ayme easy to access? 
Yes it was! 

Did u just get referred to all those things mentioned through ur GP?
 Well I already had a consultant through other illness's so I just had him already and got physio through him and CBT through my GP! 

For you what Is the worst symptom? 
The tiredness. 

How's it affected ur family?
They have had to change a lot in their lives to be able to do things for me/with me, eg. mum had to stop work to look after me. 

What scares you the most about having M.E? 
Not knowing when you will get better. 
And what would awareness/ would you want for people to know or do if they could?  Just be more understanding about the condition and what it does to people lives. They wouldn't choose to live like this so believe in the illness because it is definitely real!
How are you now? 
I'm tired but okay thanks! howa you? - Classic Sophie ;) I'm pretty tired too but okay thanks, Soph!;)

Hope this has helped you to understand a bit more about M.E, thanks for taking the time to read this and keep watching out for my upcoming blog post; an interview with a friend of someone with M.E. :)

Lots of love,
Becca xox

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