
2. Tell a confidant... this can be a trusted friend or supportive family member. They will most likely calm you down, give you some advice and generally support you all the way. :)
3. Chunk it up into little steps... this is a really good technique that could be used for most things whether it be; anxiety, getting stressed or a long busy day. When everything is put together it all seems massive, scary and undo-able. But if you chunk it up into little sections everything seems more manageable. Just focus on that one step and forget about the rest, "why worry about tomorrow when you're still living today." For example if you were nervous about performing in a show... just focus on learning your lines, simple as that then take it from there before you know it, doing the little steps has equalled you doing the whole thing!
4. Get a distraction... everyone needs a distraction every now and then and when better if you're a bit fed up or worried and need to have a bit of fun. Do something that you love, whether it be going out with a friend, eating your favourite food or starting a new project. :)
5. Step back... not literally ;) but sometimes you can become too involved in a situation so the best thing to do is step back. Think it through clearly and return to the situation when it all seems clearer. That way you can gain back the control... don't let whatever the problem take a handle on you. Grab the bull by the horns so to speak. ;)
6. Stay positive... this is a particularly hard one to do but it's something that just has to be done! I saw this quote once and it made me lol... "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Haha ;) Of course you have to allow yourself to be upset and feel all your emotions, we are only human afterall! But then decide to use whatever life has thrown at you or what mistakes that have been made as something to learn from grow and strengthen you because of it. Just because something isn't happening right now or going wrong doesn't mean it will always be that way.
7. Relaxation.. A bit of relaxation is always good, get your candles out, oil burner and listen to some calming music. Sometimes you just need to chill and breakaway before or after you face an issue! Hummmm ;)
8. Stop the thought process... if you think about it we tend to have everything set out in our head. Certain expectations, if you don't know someone you create your own picture, trying out a new recipe - you already have it all decided what you think it should taste like and how it should be. Same for dilemma's anytime anything bad happens we always think the worse or pysch ourself out to how we think the situation will turn out. Instead of a dream catcher... a thought catcher. ;) Anytime you notice a bad thought coming into your head bin it you don't need it and its actually hindering you rather than helping. Once you work out what's making you so scared or bothering you then you can work on that and really think what it is that actually troubles you about it.
9.Look for inspiration... whether it be in a quote, a pep talk from a role model, your religion or listening to a song. The answers always out there somewhere you just have to search for it. :)
10. Finally... make a decision and stick to it... nobody knows how you feel better than you so once you've thought it all through make a decision and stick to it. It's always best to listen to your first instinct. :)
Thought i would start a photo of the week each blog can be from the internet, a picture i've taken or something that has inspired the photography eye. ;)
Photo of the week:
It's a photo i took at a place called Fairhaven lake, it got printed in a local magazine this week. :D Love Becca. xox |
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