Thursday, 9 February 2012

Beauty isn't make up...

Well hello again, :)

I thought today's post would be about seeing the inner beauty of people and things. It's often assumed that beauty is how you look on the outside; the perfect weight; the perfect eyes, the perfect nose, the perfect teeth, the perfect you. But is that really what beauty is? Or is that what we've been led to believe to think that to be accepted is to be who everyone else wants you to be, everything other than yourself. The best beauty to me is the inner beauty, the one that makes you love a person. If you have inner beauty, you are beautiful, because when you love others more than yourself. You glow, you are perfect. :) So many people think  you have to mould into everything everyone else wants you to be including me. But why? Because the model on the run way is a size 4 and your a size 10? Because one of your friends has the 'perfect' nose and yours is a little wonky? Or maybe because you're the shy one who's lonely in a crowded room? Whatever the reason, i'd love to wake up one day in a world where to be who you are is to be something extraordinary. Schools and work places have the hierrachy's, magazines have their perceptions, and people, well they have their own battle going on. One against themselves. Even the most confident of people have their flaws,what needs to be realised is if that was admitted and accepted, that is what would make them perfect.

All i know is since doing my photography and being ill, it makes you see things so differently. It gives you a chance to see beauty is everywhere, maybe foiled by a rainy day, a giant sweater or even lack of self belief. i never wanna stop seeing  REAL beauty for what it is... something magical. :)

I'll never believe that i look the right way, say the right things or do the right things. But what i do believe it that i have is amazing people around me that let me know no matter how much i see the flaws in myself that they believe in me and accept me for who i am. More than that they say it's ok and to  me there is no greater gift than that of the support of true friends and a loving family. :)

Beauty is in the eye of the
beholder. <3
Definition of a true friend and true
beauty. :) i owe thanks to this girl for
the rest of me life. <3
This girl is truly an beautiful inspiration
to me. <3 Pure gold. <3

Enough said. <3 

Whether a person of my past
or future, she's one of the
most beautiful people i've
ever met. She helped me
through one of the toughest times
of my life so far and for that i'll
always be thankful. <3

"We stick together and we see it through,
oh you've got a friend in me." - Have
amazing memories with this amazing girl. <3

These people have been
the light to the dark days,
"Keep holding on. You know we'll
make it through." Love my super
supportive inspirations. :)

My weird yet wonderful family. <3

"Beauty is in everything. Just not everyone see's it."

Bye for a week ;).

Love Becca

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