Thursday, 23 February 2012

Finding that perfect balance...

Hello again, :)

I've decided today's post would be about what i believe on mind over matter, inspiration and still being you with an illness. There's so many people that think in illnesses that positivity will beat it all. And if  you believe you have no pain then the pain will vanish. I believe it too a certain degree.I believe that if you aren't positive, if you aren't determined then you wouldn't even get up in the morning. I also agree if you focus on something it makes it worse and can strengthen the feeling. BUT that doesn't mean if you have an illness and you have pain its because of any other reason than you having that illness. Everyone has their own way of dealing with pain and emotions to what suits them. Personally for me its about having a little moan and rant to friends, them being understanding and offering some words of encouragement. After that its down to you whether you give up or let what's happening strengthen you. 

I heard a true story yesterday about a girl who i think was a quadruple amputee who only had little movement in her hand. Doctors told her parents to put her institute; to give up on her and that she'd never achieve anything. Of course her parents didn't listen to them and decided to got their house equipped for her. All that time the girl kept determined and never gave up.She eventually through a lot of hard work and determination got qualifications and went to university!! The way this girl stayed so positive was through imagining herself to be dancing even though she was totally paralysed. This really inspired me, to never give up on anyone because there's no one to "broken beyond repair". <3 

This status from my lovely friend Kate also inspired me;  "been so nice playing with the bunnies, ballet talk & learning about an AMAZING dancer who's recovered from ME :D I've also decided for my birthday I want some tap shoes! even though I'm not well enough to dance , I'm going to sit on the end of my bed when in well enough & do the simple things but sitting down until I can stand for longer! ;) ♥". - If you know her then you know she's an amazing ballerina and i know in all honesty that she will get better and dance again one day. She is a fighter and so determined and i know she will beat this and full fill her dreams. :) <3

Somebody who's already there at the finishing line of M.E and gives me absolute inspiration and hope every day, is my friend Hanna. (A.k.a Bff padlock;She's been a regular mention in my blog post so you've heard of her before ;)) She had M.E and was bed bound for years yet she too was determined and put in so much hard work to get better. And she did it, she's so positive. And even now when she's still battling with medical problems; she's one of the most kind, determined and selfless people i know. So thankyou for being a true inspiration to me Hanna. :)

 I write them in hope that someone whoever, who is reading this can smile and know that there's always a reason somewhere to smile. :) Unless with close friends or fellow AYME'ers i don't really like to talk about my illness too much. I get embarrassed going out in the wheel chair or looking pale or holding on to my friend or parents down the road hardly being able to walk and having extra help with things. People say it's nothing to be ashamed about and it's NOT. It's just sometimes you want to be known as yourself not the girl with the illness or somebody sick. You don't want pity. Your still you, just a fairy with a broken wing waiting to fly again i like to think. ;) I tend to want to be "normal" down to the very last detail, the make upped face, the in fashion clothes anything to fit in the mould and not be noticed or be different. That's down to a lot of things not to just my illness but then i've only just come to realise what is "normal"? Is it if we don't see someone crying, we assume their fine. Or if we see someone smiling or laughing their life is perfect. How do we know, because let's face it nobody knows how you feel except you. It's brilliant when you say your ok but you have them certain people who just instantly know your not. There there for you through it all and treat you like your you, support you and don't even have to ask for help or say your not well they just know. True friendship. <3

In life it's all about finding that perfect balance between knowing your limits but having that determination that lets you know everything will work out in the end because you're gonna make it. <3

Love Becca.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Live Laugh Love...


So been quite busy time for me since my last post... good for boredom not so good for health... ;)
First of all got some exciting news that some of my photography photos are gonna be put up in a pub/cafe in St.Annes. So now just gotta pick which ones to put up... :D Keep reading my blog for upcoming posts about my photography and shiiz. ;D 

Then there was Madame Tausades which was good fun, my health was playing up a bit but nice to get out of the house with Hanna and see some awesome figures. We sat in the rovers with Deidre and then 2 old ladies came in and thought she was a wax work which was funny! ;)

In the rovers with Bet and Ken. ;)
Jezza, Jezza, Jezza ;)

It was Dad's birthday too so we had a nice birthday meal that momma cooked. Of course having a glass of ros'e isn't the best idea when your over tired... people don't try that at home... It's a recipe for disaster... ;) But here's a picture of me and dad on his birthday... :) 

Then came the greatest of all... I went to see Soph!! :D We had an amazing few days, took some brill pictures which will make and bad day (hello today ;)) better!! Watched movies (have to actually admit Soph has converted me into High School Musical... Omg... ;P), spent lots of time resting, and got a tour of the Wirrall! So many famous people live there! So jel ;) We went into Heswall on tuesday to get a smoothie i was the healthiest of all well everyone had creamy and choccy delights i had a delicious refreshing strawberry smoothie! Was so good, just gonna go up to Heswall never mind Soph i want them bad boys. ;) Anyway no matter how bad you feel a few days with your best friend is always a bit of TLC. ;D 

Yes i look rather peculiar but i love
this so much!

At West Kirbyyy Beach! :D

What happens when me and Soph are
let loose with the face paints...
Bubblesssssss, :DDDDD <3
Marshmallow slime never good,
always funny though. ;)

It's been a time of loving at Soph's we exchanged gifts in the morning and watched Valentines day, took some crazy pictures as you do ;) Went for the awesome smoothie and had a romantic chinese meal with Sophie. ;) Not forgetting a funny little skype with Sarah. :D Soph and Sarah were ganging up on me but in this time of loving gotta love my girlies. ;) 
Drinks all around ay, ladies ;) <3 Who needs men... ;)

Valentines meal<3
Love this Skypey times (:

Can you read it?! It says LOVE ;D

Enjoying the chinese are we Soph ;D
I know what your thinking...
 we are too cute! ;)

Been feeling rather rubbish since i got back but due to a few lovely friends of mine, they've cheered me up... 

My biggest smile is from these beautiful
flowers off Kate for Valentines day!
Love them! <3
My rubber duckies off KelseyKoo ;D
Made me smile, thanks Sarah!

Life might not be all we hoped for but whilst we're here let's make everyday count and Live.Laugh.Love. :) <3

Love Becca

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Beauty isn't make up...

Well hello again, :)

I thought today's post would be about seeing the inner beauty of people and things. It's often assumed that beauty is how you look on the outside; the perfect weight; the perfect eyes, the perfect nose, the perfect teeth, the perfect you. But is that really what beauty is? Or is that what we've been led to believe to think that to be accepted is to be who everyone else wants you to be, everything other than yourself. The best beauty to me is the inner beauty, the one that makes you love a person. If you have inner beauty, you are beautiful, because when you love others more than yourself. You glow, you are perfect. :) So many people think  you have to mould into everything everyone else wants you to be including me. But why? Because the model on the run way is a size 4 and your a size 10? Because one of your friends has the 'perfect' nose and yours is a little wonky? Or maybe because you're the shy one who's lonely in a crowded room? Whatever the reason, i'd love to wake up one day in a world where to be who you are is to be something extraordinary. Schools and work places have the hierrachy's, magazines have their perceptions, and people, well they have their own battle going on. One against themselves. Even the most confident of people have their flaws,what needs to be realised is if that was admitted and accepted, that is what would make them perfect.

All i know is since doing my photography and being ill, it makes you see things so differently. It gives you a chance to see beauty is everywhere, maybe foiled by a rainy day, a giant sweater or even lack of self belief. i never wanna stop seeing  REAL beauty for what it is... something magical. :)

I'll never believe that i look the right way, say the right things or do the right things. But what i do believe it that i have is amazing people around me that let me know no matter how much i see the flaws in myself that they believe in me and accept me for who i am. More than that they say it's ok and to  me there is no greater gift than that of the support of true friends and a loving family. :)

Beauty is in the eye of the
beholder. <3
Definition of a true friend and true
beauty. :) i owe thanks to this girl for
the rest of me life. <3
This girl is truly an beautiful inspiration
to me. <3 Pure gold. <3

Enough said. <3 

Whether a person of my past
or future, she's one of the
most beautiful people i've
ever met. She helped me
through one of the toughest times
of my life so far and for that i'll
always be thankful. <3

"We stick together and we see it through,
oh you've got a friend in me." - Have
amazing memories with this amazing girl. <3

These people have been
the light to the dark days,
"Keep holding on. You know we'll
make it through." Love my super
supportive inspirations. :)

My weird yet wonderful family. <3

"Beauty is in everything. Just not everyone see's it."

Bye for a week ;).

Love Becca

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Capturing the beauty of life. - My Photography! :)

Heyyyy :),

Thought this week's blog would be about a hobby i'm really enjoying at the moment and that's... Photography! :) After getting my new camera for Christmas; i've been loving going to places and experimenting. I love how photos can have a meaning, i think the quote; "A picture speaks a thousands words" is really true. You can put your own perception on it, and as someone who is a bit of an over analyser i quite enjoy coming up with my own idea's. It's a really nice feeling when you capture a nice shot, it's a reward in it's self for me, sounds silly but it makes me smile. :)

I've also created a facebook page here's the link if anyone wants to take a look; :)

Here are some are my favourite's so far:

Them eyes are telling a few stories
;D <3
Like the setting and unusual cloud. :)
Sunset at Fairhaven :)
One of my first photography
shots. :)

"Looks like a magical fairy land"
- Katie <3

Better droplets than a downpour. ;)
My fav one so far. :) 
Dad and Soph love this one. :D

:D <3

The sun will always shine no
matter what. :)
Love this abstractness of this!

I've got a long way to go but what's life without a bit of work and persistence ay ;) A goal of mine during my lifetime would be to get a photo in a magazine. :D Beauty isn't just in people its literally all around and i wanna keep capturing it all i can. :) There's so many bad and ugly things about the world so i love how photography can show the ugly's side inner beauty. ;) I'm working on a few things to get my photos noticed and hope to do a photography course to learn new things in the near future. So expect to see and hear more about my photography in upcoming blogs. :) Another hobby of mine is making jewellery but you'll hear more about that in more upcoming blogs too. 

Hope you're enjoying blogs to anyone who is actually reading them. ;)

" Everyday might not be so good but there's something good in everyday." <3

Love Becca.