Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Starting over...

Hello pplz, :) As seen as its a new year i thought i'd start a new blog. I did start one on me and my illness but figured why limit myself...lets just talk about anything!! Whether it be about me and my M.E or totally random like what's actually good out of something that we see as a bad thing. i think we all have to admit rather finding a good in something we always let the negative over rule. Take my illness which unfortunately does feel like it majorotises the old glass half empty rule in my life but lets just take a look at the good from it:

1. I have the most AMAZING FRIENDS i could ever wish for. That almost certainly i wouldn't have met if i didn't have M.E and all the other rubbish things that come with it.
2. I've learnt to appreciate the little things in life which are often taken for granted. Like nipping to the shop, or being up to going to my friends house or even finding the energy to write this blog. :)
 3. I can go to the shops during school time and not get trampled in my wheelchair, always good especially in the January sales. ;) Not that i go on big shopping fests cause i cant but even a little trip to lytham to look at 2 or 3 shops is something to smile about. :)
4. I most likely wouldn't of got into the crafty sides of things and even learned how to make jewellery.
Where i met so many important, inspirational friends! <3
5. Doing my Gcse's was always a major importance to me... nerd ;)... but the fact that i only got 3 and half made me appreciate them all the more!
6.The goods days with my friends like parading the street with shower caps on and facemask pretending to be ducks... you know what i mean Kate ;) Or sitting on santa's lap with Hanna or having a mini party with silly string and relaxtion music with Soph. ;) Or even the bad days are made better when Hans comes round to keep me company even when im not even the greatest of companies. Even the odd crazy makeover. ;) Or getting post that my wonderful, inspirational friends have made me to cheer me up. :)
Middle of street pretending to be ducks = Best times. <3
7. I've taken up photography which im really enjoying especially experimenting with the new camera i got for christmas.:D
Relaxing party with Soph.= Amazing!!! <3
Bff padlock crimbo times. :)

So although I'm never all that enthuisastic when it comes to whats good about my life
                   there is a

things to be thankful for. When you have to sit here and think of the good things you realise you should appreciate it because some people don't even have that. :)

Crazy makeovers with the wifey. <3
I love my quotes because even on the bad days in life they almost give you the hope that you can get through it.<3 So here are a few of my favourite quotes:

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart ill stay there forever."

"A pinky promise is serious." - This quote is an important one to me due to a special friend of mine.<3 I believe there is no truer promise. ;)

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit, when i can see footprints on the moon."

"Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I'll try again tomorrow.' "- My list of quotes could go on forever but im sure over time with my blogs you will learn a few more. ;)

So am i convincing you yet that life aint all bad, aswell as trying to convince you secretely im trying to do the same to me. ;) But seriously on a bad day when you can only see the negatives, sit back and see if you can find the good in it. Take today it is totally pouring down, cold and windy. But what is the good out of that... let's see if i can come up with 6 good things...
1. Why worry about doing your hair when its only gonna get messed up anyway... Spend an extra 10 minutes in bed. ;)
2. You can get in your wellies and shut in a puddle... just for the pure hell of it. ;)
3. You can literally act out "I'm singing in the rain." Why not have a bit of a giggle. ;)
4. All the dirt and leftover rubbish from Christmas and new years will get washed away to literally start a fresh.:)
5. You can come home get in a warm bubble bath, snuggle in some pj's and totally relax!!
6. The reflections off the puddles are pretty...could even be a good photo opportunity. ;)
I bet you didn't think i could do it did ya... But hooray instead of seeing rain as a total reason to be fed up i've found some awesome ways to have funnnnn. Yes yes i'm random but you will learn that over the coming blogs  and maybe even learn to love it... Doubtful but i can hope can't I? ;)

So this is me and my first proper blog, hope i haven't bored you all to death and you will enjoy my upcoming blogs. :) I hope this blog makes you smile and for any of you who are feeling sad at the moment... turn that frown upside down. ;D And for those who are already smiling...You have won a prize...

...MY TELEPATHIC APPLAUSE. Now that is something money can't buy... ;)

Bye for now,
Becca :) xox

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