Wednesday, 28 March 2012

New York New York...

Dream <3
Today's blog seems a little bit scary... ok so i figured i would do a blog post on creating your own fantasy holiday. I have so many dreams and ambitions for the future and although i can't fulfil them tomorrow i hope one day that yesterday's fantasy will become tomorrows reality. Why's this scary you ask... well i can dream thats something i can do but actually believing it will happen is something i'm working on... I was trying to pick where i would do my blog post on, there's too many amazing places in the world and i wanna go to as many as i can. My obvious choice is Disney World as people who know me or have read my blogs will know thats a number one dream of mine. But instead my friend suggested i do New York, and my first reaction was WOAH probably one of the busiest tourist attractions holidays to go. And that was precisely her point, for me to fulfill any of my dreams as well as the illness i have to kick the anxiety. So yeah that's the big scary thing that is probably not thought about all that much but with many debilitating illnesses it kinda of goes hand in hand. Even the thought of going to new york scares the crap put of me ;) but like Hans said if i ever want to live my life, the anxiety is gonna have to be small stepping stones to my very big dreams... so here it goes, my itinernary for 7 days in sunny new york new york...

Day 1 - Arrive at the hotel settle in and then have a wander around the big city, of course shopping is a must! i'm no big shopper but come on it's new york! ;) Go in macy's!!!!  I think a little trip to the top of the rocks to see the wonderful views would be in order! After that back to the hotel for a rest and then get ready and go for a really relaxed fabulous meal to... Mc Donalds! ;) Haha you can't go to america and not have a maccy's!! Seeing new york at night would definately be AMAZING!!!

Day 2 - Famous tourist attractions day!! - But first start off with some nommy american pancakes for brekkie!! Then onto... Empire state building, the big apple, the statue of liberty, Grand Central terminal! A dream of mine is to see the New york sky line too! After that i think dinner at the hotel and relaxation at the hotel is being called for.

Day 3 - Picnic in central park!!! - Ahhhhhhh so wanna do that! ;') And of course see where friends is filmed!!! Then at night off  for a pre theatre meal then onto see a broadway show!! - Perfect Day!! <3

Day 4 - China town!! Exploring the world of china town sounds fun!! To finish off the day maybe a helicopter tour of New York!! :) Pizza/ pastiere for tea!
China Town!!

Day 5 - Museum day today!!  metropolitan museum of art and the museum of modern art. Sushi bar at night!

Day 6 - The american museum of natural history would be brill to see! And the
  Ellis Island Immigration Museum. :) - sad true life stories so my thing. ;) Steak house for tea. ;)

Day 7 - Last day :(, before i leave i think the Staten island ferry would be a nice way to finish before heading to the airport.

Of course along the way i would of picked up loads of new york memorabilia, t shirts, hats you name it. ;) And it goes without mentioning MILLIONS of piccies will of been taken throughout that process. ;D Travelling by subway and the yellow taxi's ;)

So there's my fantasy holiday, better get saving hadn't i?! What's yours? :) 

Photo of the week:

Love Alfie's ears on this... totally
crazy just like him!!

Whether it's the 7 day luxury New York fantasy is another thing but to be able to get New York and live the American dream if only for a day or even an hour is a dream i'm gonna keep alive. :) Believe in yourself and most importantly never stop dreaming!! Afterall dreams are what keep you alive, so you better keep dreaming. <3

Love Becca.

Monday, 19 March 2012

The missing link...

Today's blog is about missing people/things. There's so many different types varying from; seeing your best friend everyday to suddenly not so you miss them because you've got used  to it. Missing someone thats away for a while, it's a sudden change and let's face it nobody really likes change. Missing someone who you speak to everyday but don't see - long distance friendships/relationships. Missing someone that's died , missing your old school or if your someone that's ill or had an accident; your old life. Every single different missing brings out a different emotion, you can be angry for someone for leaving you or dying even when its not there felt its an emotion that crops up. Or you blame yourself, wishing there was something you could of done. When does it go from thinking about someone every single day to just the odd day when you hear a song or see something that reminds you of them, even a smell can bring someone to mind! I know that i still miss people every day! You can miss someone so much it actually hurts! ;P Sounds weird but yes you have so many different emotions and every one of them is because you care and love the person/ thing! 

I've felt all the different sorts of missing someone and i don't think any sort is nice because in some cases its like a part of you isn't all there , you just feel incomplete. It makes you so sad but surprisingly sometimes hope and courage comes from that! And why, well if someone has passed away you hope that there still around watching over you.  I not sure what i believe in but all i know is that i really hope that there's something afterwards and you are reunited with your loved ones somehow some way. 

Hope maybe can come from when someone has suddenly gone away and you want to see them again, hearing from them, anything that tells you that there is hope there and you will see them again. When you put a belief into something or someone and you love them, then you will find even when life tells you its all over you still have that little bit of hope left at the bottom of the barrel when you thought you'd scraped it. 

I miss my old life but i don't want it to be how it was, i miss what i'm stopped into becoming. I always imagined and almost planned how i thought everything would be, it just goes to show you cant really plan for life because its like rolling a dice you never really know what you're gonna get. I think i will always plan subcontiously because that's just who i am but maybe i should live more for the moment so disappointment doesn't strike. Although ironically wheres there's disapointment there's hope. Hope is what makes you never give up on a dream, a person or a principle. When you want something you can miss it although you never actually had it! It's like missing a dream! Sometimes it's that hope and  want from missing that forces you to make a change and not to give up. So maybe its a good thing in some ways but not in others. In life we don't have the choices, we don't have the answers, we don't want things to change but they will we don't want some people to leave but they do. We have to adjust, keep going and cherish the time you do have with people or lifestyles because you never know when it's gonna change. 

Me missing my past and my future makes me not give up but i still hope one day i will get better and become a child psychologist or primary school teacher, go to Disney world and do all the things i feel i've missed out on whether it be something as silly as jumping in a puddle to a day at university! Me missing my friend who i talk to everyday but don't see makes me do a concious effort to see them and make every visit special. Me missing a friend thats away suckssssssssss but i will never give up on them or the hope of seeing them again. Me missing loved ones that have died makes me hold onto the memories and hope that although its the end, them being in my life isn't over because they made a difference to who i am and what i turn into. And that in another place another time another world! i will see them again. 

Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. Love life and the ones in it. I know as most my friends will know i've not been on a total love life spree at the moment ;),  but no matter what i say i still hope that one day the life i miss and the people i miss will turn out the way i hope. I know it's not just gonna happen and its down to me and shall we say destiny ;) I don't have it figured out and i don't think i ever will but i hope i'll never stop trying and neither should you! ;)

Photo of the week:

My amazing and talented friend Sarwahh
drew this of me and i think it's so
fantastic!!! Definite deserver
of photo of the week!! :D

Love Becca

Sunday, 11 March 2012

I believe in a thing called L.O.V.E.

Today's blog is on a Mahoosive thing called LOVE. You may of heard of it. ;)

The idea came from my friend Sarwahh when we were talking about Take me out. ;) Love that show!! ;) And it got me thinking does love have to happen in conventional ways? Everyone has their own idea of perfect whether things turn out how they're planned is another thing...  Is it right when you can't find love in all the conventional places, should you then try a less conventional route? E.g Dating websites or say a certain dating show *cough cough, take me out.* Me being a hopeless romantic would love to have a fairytale love story. But let's face it i don't think i'm gonna find my prince charming whilst i stuck in my four walls, he ain't just gonna walk past the window see me and fall to his knees and we live happily ever after. ;) I can but dream. ;) Does finding your Mr/Mrs right be any less special the way we find to how we've been bought up to believe it should be. From a young age everybody is brought up on fairytales and love conquering all. Yada yada yada and although it would be brilliant if thats the way it was its not like that all the time. Let's face it nothing or no one in this world is "normal" because what is normal? It's everybodies own definition and with the billions of people on the planet that's gonna vary. ;) So yeah i'd love for it all to run smoothly but i don't see thayt happening if it does than yay but if it doesn't the end product is still the same. Who's to say my journey is any less perfect to the next persons. <3

I don't think you'd find me on any dating show but hey thats me and if the end result is love and gives me a bit of entertainment on a saturday night how can i disagree? ;)

N'awwwwwwwwww <3
When you say love, i'm guessing you automatically think of people in relationships/ dating but to me i think of all my loved ones like my friends and family. Yes yes that's probably because i'm a sad singleton ;) but love is much more than one thing. To me when you love someone, they make you happy, you can be your complete self round them and they love you for it. You can't imagine your life without them and want to protect them, lots of lovely feelings of safety and secureness too. :) You feel a warm fuzzy feeling around the heart area. Some people that may just be heart burn at work, haha but for the most its love.

 Love is literally all around us, it's probably the strongest and most common bond in the world. When you love something its the best feeling in the world. whether it be a boy/girlfriend, parent, a pet, a friend or a dvd. I wouldn't necessarily think you could use the description i've said of love for everything because to me thats the blanket area of it. It varies like i'm not gonna get a warm fuzzy feeling over a dvd like i would say as cuddling my dog. But still i love them both just in different ways. They both make me happy and i want them both in my life but i feel a deeper bond with my pet than i do with titanic. Although that film gets me every time, what a love story that was. ;)

I guess what i'm saying is don't lose hope on love just because you haven't met the love of your life yet doesnt mean you never will. Infact you are surrounded by it already... all you need is love der der der der der dem... ;) Don't be so close minded on love because you could be holding out for perfect when perfect is already there because it's what you make it to be.<3 

Well now i've ranted about my idea of LOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE, here's a classic chat up line i heard on last night's advert for take me out i just have to share; "Have you got a plaster cause i cut my knee falling for you!" ;')

Photo of the week:

In the theme of love, this seemed pretty
app. ;) <3

Cherish the ones you truly love because there the ones that  look after you when the world's going crazy around you. <3


Saturday, 3 March 2012

10 things to do in a dilemma... :)


Thought today's post would be some tips for when life hits a snag... ;)

1. Keep calm... yes your probably stressed as hell but it tends to be when you get stressed and wound up everything seems about a million times worse! And everything tends to go wrong because your body is just so hyped it then it starts to make mistakes.

2. Tell a confidant... this can be a trusted friend or supportive family member. They will most likely calm you down, give you some advice and generally support you all the way. :)

3. Chunk it up into little steps... this is a really good technique that could be used for most things whether it be; anxiety, getting stressed or a long busy day. When everything is put together it all seems massive, scary and undo-able. But if you chunk it up into little sections everything seems more manageable.  Just focus on that one step and forget about the rest, "why worry about tomorrow when you're still living today." For example if you were nervous about performing in a show... just focus on learning your lines, simple as that then take it from there before you know it, doing the little steps has equalled you doing the whole thing!

4. Get a distraction... everyone needs a distraction every now and then and when better if you're a bit fed up or worried and need to have a bit of fun. Do something that you love, whether it be going out with a friend, eating your favourite food or starting a new project. :)

5. Step back... not literally ;) but sometimes you can become too involved in a situation so the best thing to do is step back. Think it through clearly and return to the situation when it all seems clearer. That way you can gain back the control... don't let whatever the problem take a handle on you. Grab the bull by the horns so to speak. ;) 

6. Stay positive... this is a particularly hard one to do but it's something that just has to be done! I saw this quote once and it made me lol... "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Haha ;) Of course you have to allow yourself to be upset and feel all your emotions, we are only human afterall! But then decide to use whatever life has thrown at you or what mistakes that  have been made as something to learn from grow and strengthen you because of it. Just because something isn't happening right now or going wrong doesn't mean it will always be that way. 

7. Relaxation.. A bit of relaxation is always good, get your candles out, oil burner and listen to some calming music. Sometimes you just need to chill and breakaway before or after you face an issue! Hummmm ;)

8. Stop the thought process... if you think about it we tend to have everything set out in our head. Certain expectations, if you don't know someone you create your own picture, trying out a new recipe - you already have it all decided what you think it should taste like and how it should be. Same for dilemma's anytime anything bad happens we always think the worse or pysch ourself out to how we think the situation will turn out. Instead of a dream catcher... a thought catcher. ;) Anytime you notice a bad thought coming into your head bin it you don't need it and its actually hindering you rather than helping. Once you work out what's making you so scared or bothering you then you can work on that and really think what it is that actually troubles you about it. 

9.Look for inspiration...  whether it be in a quote, a pep talk from a role model, your religion or listening to a song. The answers always out there somewhere you just have to search for it. :) 

10. Finally... make a decision and stick to it... nobody knows how you feel better than you so once you've thought it all through make a decision and stick to it. It's always best to listen to your first instinct. :)

Thought i would start a photo of the week each blog can be from the internet, a picture i've taken or something that has inspired the photography eye. ;)

Photo of the week:

It's a photo i took at a place called Fairhaven lake,
it got printed in a local magazine this week. :D

Love Becca.